Hypnosis Audio Guides

Self Esteem

Overcome Obsessive Thoughts | Hypnosis Downloads

[ad_1] A thief was about to break into a house. But he overheard a desperate voice from within wailing: “Oh this terrible Dib Dib, will it never leave me alone! Will it always torment me! Please just stop!” The thief paused – and then his imagination took over: “Maybe the ‘Dib Dib’ is a monster! […]

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Instant Inductions: Why Surprise and Shock Put You into Hypnosis

[ad_1] Instant trance is a natural response to surprise or shock What comes to mind when you think of hypnosis? Comfort? Calm? Deep relaxation and rest? This is the way it is usually done. But there is another kind of hypnosis. One that happens to every one of us in everyday life. Shock and surprise

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7 Tips to Overcome the Fear of Rejection

[ad_1] “7 Tips to Overcome the Fear of Rejection” courtesy of dbking What does all fear really amount to? Loss. We fear: losing our health losing our life losing our status losing money losing our peace of mind losing our youth and looks. We also fear, perhaps more than anything else, losing approval from others.

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How to Deal with the Control Freak

[ad_1] “As scary as they seem, the control freak can be controlled” courtesy of Sarah Years ago in a galaxy far, far away I worked for a woman who made Attila the Hun seem like Mahatma Gandhi; a micro-managing, over-controlling, bombastic… person. She didn’t just want to know what her staff were doing every second,

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How to avoid setting the wrong goals

[ad_1] Roger Elliott, co-founder Hypnosis Downloads Listen to this Audio Insight using the player below or download it to listen later. Or, if you prefer to read, scroll down to see the audio transcript. Download the Audio Listen to this podcast above or read the transcript below. Hi, and welcome to your Audio Insight on

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Guided Sleep Meditation For Self Esteem

Guided Sleep Meditation For Self Esteem

As we lay down to bed each night, our subconscious mind becomes more susceptible to positive and negative affirmations. To combat negative self-talk and boost self-esteem, guided sleep meditation can be an effective tool. By soothing the mind and consciously directing positive thoughts and affirmations, we can enhance our self-worth and confidence. With regular practice, guided sleep meditation can lead to a better sense of self and a more peaceful, restful sleep.

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Hypnosis For Positive Thinking And Confidence

Hypnosis For Positive Thinking And Confidence

Hypnosis has been used to help people overcome many challenges. One of the most popular applications is to help individuals improve their positive thinking and confidence levels. Through guided relaxation and visualization, hypnosis can help rewire the brain to focus on more positive thoughts and feelings. This can lead to improved self-esteem, better relationships, and a more fulfilling life overall. With hypnosis, anyone can achieve greater confidence and positivity.

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10 Things To Boost Your Self Esteem

10 Things To Boost Your Self Esteem

Building and maintaining self-esteem is crucial for our overall well-being. Here are 10 things you can try to boost your self-esteem: practice self-compassion, set achievable goals, celebrate small successes, surround yourself with positivity, nurture your body with healthy habits, engage in activities you enjoy, learn new skills, challenge negative self-talk, seek support from loved ones, and practice gratitude. Take small steps towards building your self-esteem and remember that progress, not perfection, is the goal.

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5 Ways To Improve Self Esteem

5 Ways To Improve Self Esteem

Our sense of self-worth is critical to our mental and emotional wellbeing. Here are five simple ways to improve your self-esteem: speak kindly to yourself, practice self-care, surround yourself with positive people, set achievable goals, and celebrate your successes. By adopting these habits, you can boost your confidence and feel better about yourself every day.

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